The digital Electoral Boundaries and their legal identifiers have been supplied by the Electoral Commission from each state and territory as well as the Australian Electoral Commission and are available below. These boundaries undergo re-distribution depending on population of the electorate before each election.
Electoral Boundaries are part of Geoscape Administrative Boundaries, which is built and maintained by Geoscape Australia using authoritative government data. Further information about contributors to Administrative Boundaries is available here.
The full Administrative Boundaries dataset contains boundaries in seven themes: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) boundaries, electoral boundaries, state and territory boundaries, local government areas, suburbs/localities, wards and town points.
As at November 2019, users have the option to download datasets with feature coordinates referencing the new Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) in addition to datasets on the GDA94 datum.
For GDA2020 datasets, the name of the zip folder and the root folder (once extracted) include a reference to GDA2020. For GDA94 datasets, the zip and root folder names do not contain the datum name (i.e. they remain the same as previous releases).
For example, the zip and root folder for Administrative Boundaries downloaded in GDA2020 for November 2019 looks like this:
• NOV19_AdminBounds_ESRIShapefileorDBFfile_GDA2020; or
• NOV19_AdminBounds_MapInfoTABFormat_GDA2020
The zip and root folder for Administrative Boundaries in GDA94 for November 2019 looks like this:
• NOV19_AdminBounds_ESRIShapefileorDBFfile; or
• NOV19_AdminBounds_MapInfoTABFormat
Irrespective of the datum chosen, files within the respective folder use exactly the same naming structures.
Notable changes in the August 2024 release
Further information on Administrative Boundaries, including FAQs on the data, is available here through Geoscape Australia’s network of partners. They provide a range of commercial products based on Administrative Boundaries, including software solutions, consultancy and support.
Note: On 1 October 2020, PSMA Australia Limited began trading as Geoscape Australia.
The Australian Government has negotiated the release of Administrative Boundaries to the whole economy under an open CCBY 4.0 license.
Users must only use the data in ways that are consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles issued under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
Users must also note the following attribution requirements:
Preferred attribution for the Licensed Material:
Administrative Boundaries © Geoscape Australia licensed by the Commonwealth of Australia under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0).
Preferred attribution for Adapted Material:
Incorporates or developed using Administrative Boundaries © Geoscape Australia licensed by the Commonwealth of Australia under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0).