Dataset: 2016 SoE Atmosphere Carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion, IPPU, and underlying drivers, 1990-2014


Australian Government Department of the Environment Kaya Decomposition, 1990-2014 (2016) based on data from Australian Bureau of Statistics, publication 3101.0 - Australian Demographic Statistics, Mar 2015, Table 4 average of 4 quarters in financial year; Australian Bureau of Statistics, publication 5206.0 - Australian National Accounts Sep 2015, Table 1 GDP Chain Volume Measures, Original; Australian Government Department of the Environment (2015). Emissions data from Quarterly Update of Australia's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory: June 2015; and Department of Industry and Science (2015). Australian Energy Statistics, Total Primary Energy Consumption, Table D.

Data used to produce Figure ATM14 in 2016 SoE. See;

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