Dataset: GLO ZoPHC and component layers 20170217



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

Gloucester Zone of Potential Hydrological change including input and derived layers.

The final Zone of Potential Hydrological Change (ZPHC) is a union of the groundwater ZPHC and suface water ZPHC, which in turn were derived from groundwater and surface water impact modelling. The groundwater component of the ZPHC is where the the probability 5% or greater of equalling or exceeding 0.2m drawdown and is derived from the 95th Quantile layer. The surface water component of the zone was derived by selecting assessment units within 150m or sharing an alluvial floodplain with an impacted river reach.

Some manual post processing tweaks were undertaken to remove anomalous AU cells.

Dataset History

A selection buffer of 300m was created from the potentially impacted reaches of the surface water modelling interpolated reaches polylines. This was unioned with polygons in the alluvium layer that intersected with the potentially impacted reaches to create the composite selection layer (included in component layer folder). The composite selection layer was manually edited to constrain the extent to that reasonably potentially influenced by changes in river.

The composite selection layer was used to select, by intersection, AUs that represented the surface water

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2017) GLO ZoPHC and component layers 20170217. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 July 2018,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
