Dataset: Tasmania - CRA/RFA - Forests - National Estate - Aesthetic Values


This database is a digital polygon coverage of Tasmania (captured at 1:100 000 scale) detailing places of potential National Estate aesthetic significance.

Aesthetic value is the response derived from the experience of the environment or particular natural and cultural attributes within it. This response can be to either visual or non-visual elements and can embrace emotional response, sense of place, sound, smell and any other factors having a strong impact on human thought, feelings and attitudes. (Australian Heritage Commission & Department of Conservation and Natural Resources 1994, p. 5)

Before the Comprehensive Regional Assessment (CRA), some 80 forest places having National Estate aesthetic significance had been identified in Tasmania. In most instances, however, this value had not been identified or corroborated through community consultation; rather, it had been determined through assessment by natural environment heritage experts. The information gathered during the CRA process, which enhances understanding of the significance of these places, will be amalgamated with existing information and may be used to refine the boundaries of places already on the Register of the National Estate.

All sites in this coverage are classified according to National Estate criterion E1: Importance for a community for aesthetic characteristics held in high esteem or otherwise valued by the community.

This is an archived dataset jointly owned by the Commonwealth and the Tasmanian Governments under the Tasmania-Commonwealth Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) data agreement of 8th November 1997.This data is available to the public under licence from the Department as part of the Commonwealth Spatial Data Access and Pricing Policy.

Any reproduction of this dataset must carry the following statement:
Copyright Commonwealth of Australia and Tasmanian Government 1998.
Departmental Deed

General Information
