Dataset: WAMSI Node 3.10 - Assessment of Coastal Groundwater dynamics and linkages with the Ningaloo Reef


This WAMSI project was carried out between March 2008 and March 2010 project and had 5 general objectives:

  1. To characterise the western coastal geological and aquifer structure;

  2. To characterise the hydrogeology the western coastal plain and availability of potable water;

  3. To characterise the coastal seawater/freshwater interface, and its behaviour in relation to seasonal fluctuations, tidal and episodic events (eg. cyclones);

  4. To determine the physico-chemical structure of the freshwater/saltwater system;

  5. To determine the pathways of groundwater discharge to the Ningaloo Reef lagoon, and physical and/or benthic ‘signals’ of discharge, by remote sensing and ground truth studies.

General Information
