The data used to create Vicmap Hydro - Areas Subject to Inundation may not be the latest version available from the source Custodian. Vicmap is published and maintained weekly by Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning. For the latest version of Vicmap users should visit
This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.
This dataset series contains line, point & polygon features delineating hydrology. It is a combination of a number of data sets that are a part of Vicmap Hydro. Datasets in the series are listed below. See their metadata entries for more detailed metadata. Features include (but are not limited to); rivers, lakes, dams, reservoirs, marinas, and desalination plants.
Watercourse Network 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATERCOURSE);
Water Point 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATER_POINT);
Water Area (polygon) 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATER_AREA_POLYGON)
Water Structure Point 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATER_STRUCT_POINT);
Water Structure Line 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATER_STRUCT_LINE);
Water Structure Area (polygon) 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_WATER_STRUCT_AREA_POLYGON);
Navigation Line 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_NAVIGATION_LINE);
Navigation Point 1:25,000 - Vicmap Hydro (HY_NAVIGATION_POINT);
NOTE: If this layer/product is obtained via Data.Vic it will contain only information within the state of Victoria.
Vicmap Hydro provides an accurate representation of natural and man made Hydrographic features across Victoria, at a capture scale of 1:25,000. It is used in a variety of applications, particularly in emergency services, natural resource management, planning and development, and digital map publication.
Lineage: Primary
Data Source: The line work and points were derived from the Vicmap Digital Topographic (VDT) map base coordinated by LIG. VDT evolved from Victoria's printed 1:25,000 Topographic Map Series program together with the need to supply a control framework for the creation of the rural Digital Cadastral Mapbase. The capture scale is 1:25,000 Statewide and the coverage, except for minor border issues is also statewide.
Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries (2014) Vicmap Hydro - Areas Subject to Inundation. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 29 September 2017,