Electricity consumption benchmarks – Survey responses matched with household consumption data for 25 households
The AER is required to update electricity consumption benchmarks (available on www.energymadeeasy.gov.au) at least every three years. The benchmarks were initially developed in 2011. The update of the benchmarks is currently being undertaken, and this is a small subset of the data. Once the study is finalised, the whole dataset will be made available via www.data.gov.au.
This data is made up of two elements:
Responses to a survey from 25 Victorian householders about their energy consumption (shown in the tab ‘questionnaire responses’).
Energy consumption data (in Watt Hours (WH)) for each household in the sample from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2014 (or such time as data are available after the installation of a smart meter). E_0000_WH refers to WH usage in the half hour commencing 12am. The column TYPE shows the type of usage. There are three types – general, controlled load (where the household has a dedicated circuit for a specific appliance, such as hot water) and generation (where the household has solar panels, this shows the WH exported to the grid from the solar panels - note that electricity generated and used within the house is not measured).
There is also a word document titled ‘questionnaire’, which shows the survey questions. The corresponding question number in the spreadsheet shows the data for that question.