The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple datasets. The source dataset is identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
This dataset contains extractions of selected Assest and Elements formatted/manipulated to facilitate requested presentation in report maps. Manipulations include principally a) clipping selected element/asset polygons to the SSB PAE and extracting centroids of small element/asset polygons to enable representation on small scale report maps with point marker symbols.
To enable customised symbolisation on BA report map images
Selected economic elements were taken from the source dataset and geometry changed to facilitate representation in report maps. Ie polygon elements too small to be discernible at the report map scale had their polygon centroids extracted so they could be symbolised with point marker symbols. Also the location of Thompson's Creek dam was located in Google earth and this was added as a feature to the existing dam assets as the authour wanted this shown even though it was not included in this version of the Assets database.
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2016) SSB Economic asset mapping 20160118. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 June 2018,
Derived From Asset database for the Sydney Basin bioregion on 18 December 2015
Derived From NSW Wetlands
Derived From NSW Office of Water Surface Water Entitlements Locations v1_Oct2013
Derived From Travelling Stock Route Conservation Values
Derived From State Environmental Planning Policy no. 26 - Littoral Rainforest 19860101
Derived From Surface Water Entitlements in Sydney sliver between different PAEs NSW Office of Water 20150717
Derived From Geofabric Surface Network - V2.1
Derived From Communities of National Environmental Significance Database - RESTRICTED - Metadata only
Derived From SSB Preliminary Assessment Extent inputs draft
Derived From Groundwater Entitlement NSW Office of Water 20150526 PersCom removed
Derived From Birds Australia - Important Bird Areas (IBA) 2009
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v04
Derived From Key Environmental Assets - KEA - of the Murray Darling Basin
Derived From Spatial Threatened Species and Communities (TESC) NSW 20131129
Derived From Gippsland Project boundary
Derived From Estuarine Macrophytes of Hunter Subregion NSW DPI Hunter 2004
Derived From Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions 2010
Derived From SSB Preliminary Assessment Extent v01
Derived From Sydney Catchment Authority Water Licences and Approvals Package May 2012
Derived From GW Economic Elements Sydney Basin 20150730
Derived From National Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) Atlas (including WA)
Derived From NSW Office of Water SW Offtakes Processed - North & South Sydney, v3 12032014
Derived From Operating Coal Mines in New South Wales as on 24 July 2013
Derived From GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3, File Geodatabase format (.gdb)
Derived From Threatened migratory shorebird habitat mapping DECCW May 2006
Derived From Native Vegetation Management (NVM) - Manage Benefits
Derived From GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3
Derived From Old Growth Forest Mapping Broad, Central, 1996. VIS_ID 4122 2015 20150116
Derived From NSW Catchment Management Authority Boundaries 20130917
Derived From Macquarie Perch NSW DPI Fisheries 20150313
Derived From Geological Provinces - Full Extent
Derived From National Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) Atlas
Derived From Commonwealth Heritage List Spatial Database (CHL)
Derived From Cumberland Subregion BIO Map Biodiversity Corridors of Regional Significance 20150804
Derived From NSW SW Share Components NSW Office of Water 20150717
Derived From An Estuarine Inventory for New South Wales, Australia VIS_ID 2224 20100723
Derived From Atlas of Living Australia NSW ALA Portal 20140613
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v03
Derived From Purple Spotted Gudgeon NSW DPI Fisheries 20150317
Derived From Identification of Culturally Significant Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems CSIRO 2010
Derived From Southeast NSW Native Vegetation Classification and Mapping - SCIVI VIS_ID 2230 20030101
Derived From National Heritage List Spatial Database (NHL) (v2.1)
Derived From State Environmental Planning Policy no. 14 - Coastal Wetlands 19891027
Derived From NSW Office of Water Surface Water Offtakes - North & South Sydney v1 24102013
Derived From NSW Office of Water combined geodatabase of regulated rivers and water sharing plan regions
Derived From SW Economic Elements Sydney Basin 20150730
Derived From Australia World Heritage Areas
Derived From New South Wales NSW Regional CMA Water Asset Information WAIT tool databases, RESTRICTED Includes ALL Reports
Derived From Illawarra Region BIO Map - Core Areas 20150430
Derived From NSW Office of Water identified GDEs
Derived From NSW Office of Water SW Offtakes Processed - North & South Sydney, v2 07032014
Derived From National Groundwater Management Zones BOM 20150730
Derived From Illawarra Region BIO Map Corridors 20150430
Derived From Cumberland subregion BIO Map Core Areas 20150804
Derived From New South Wales NSW - Regional - CMA - Water Asset Information Tool - WAIT - databases
Derived From Fitzroy Falls Spiny Crayfish NSW DPI Fisheries 20150316
Derived From Australia - Species of National Environmental Significance Database
Derived From Map of Critically Endangered Ecological Communities NSW Version 3 20150925
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v01
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v02
Derived From Australia, Register of the National Estate (RNE) - Spatial Database (RNESDB) Internal
Derived From Victoria - Seamless Geology 2014
Derived From Asset database for the Sydney Basin bioregion on 03 August 2015
Derived From Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia (DIWA) Spatial Database (Public)
Derived From Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2010 (Not current release)
Derived From NSW Wild Rivers Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) 20091001