This dataset was supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and is presented here as originally supplied. The metadata was not provided by the data supplier and has been compiled by the programme based on known details at the time of acquisition.
This dataset was supplied as an outcome of the Hunter Asset Workshop by NSW Office of Water.
Status and FType fields were updated based on the GDS (groundwater database) data extraction.
Suggestions of what Asset type should be were added under 'Comments'.
There are 694 bores with Unknown Ftype (listed in 'Unknown' sheet).
Another data extraction using Brio Query to get the Work Comments info managed to get the work purpose for 600+ bores.
67 remaining bores or 1% of the bore data with Unknown purpose and status remained. Data provider suggests remaining 67 bores should be 'NULL' asset.
This dataset has been provided to the BA Programme for use within the programme only. Third parties may request a copy of the data from DPI Water (previously known as the NSW Office of Water) at
This dataset was created to populate missing values for FTYPE in the initial creation of the GW Economic Elements for Hunter (GUID). The NSW Office of water was supplied with records where FTYPE was unknown and they subsequently queried their database for these records.
Status and FType fields were updated based on the GDS (groundwater database) data extraction.
Suggestions of what Asset type should be were added under 'Comments'
There are 694 bores with Unknown Ftype (listed in 'Unknown' sheet).
Another data extraction using Brio Query to get the Work Comments info managed to get the work purpose for 600+ bores.
67 remaining bores or 1% of the bore data with Unknown purpose and status remained. Data provider suggests remaining 67 bores should be 'NULL' asset.
Note: Source file includes Surface Water records (ones without 'GW' at beginning of BOREID Field need to be excluded if only performing GW analysis)
Only first 2 worksheets are Outputs (Praveen & Unknowns). Others are working spreadsheets for the purpose of extracting the data
NSW Office of Water (2015) GW Element Bores with Unknown FTYPE Hunter NSW Office of Water 20150514. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 13 March 2019,