Dataset: Producer Price Indexes by Industry
Contains a range of producer price indexes. Firstly, economy-wide indexes are presented within a Stage of Production (SOP) framework, followed by a set of partial, stand-alone measures relating to specific industry sectors of the economy (selected manufacturing, construction, mining and service industries).
General Information
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Create Date: 23/04/2014
- Update Date: 09/08/2023
- Landing Page:
- Keywords:
- 6427.0
- adhesive
- aircraft
- alcoholic beverage
- animal
- bakery
- baking mix
- beverage
- bird
- biscuit
- boatbuilding
- boiler
- bolt
- brick
- cake
- cars
- cement
- ceramic
- cereal
- cheese
- chemical
- clay
- cleaning
- clothing
- coating
- communication equipment
- component manufacturing
- compressor
- computer
- confectionery
- cooling
- copper
- cordial
- corn
- corrugated paperboard
- cosmetic
- cream
- crisp
- cured meat
- cut
- dairy
- electric cable
- electronic
- electronic equipment
- explosive
- fabricated
- fat
- feed
- fertiliser
- floor vovering
- food
- footwear
- fruit
- fuel
- fur dressing
- furniture
- gas
- glass
- grain mill
- heating
- ice cream
- indexes
- industry
- inorganic
- iron
- knitted
- lead
- leather
- leather tanning
- lime
- machinery
- manufacturing
- manufacturing industries
- mattress
- meat
- media
- medical
- medicinal
- metal
- milk
- mineral
- motor vehicle
- natural textile
- non metallic
- nut
- oil
- paint
- paper
- pasta
- pastry
- pesticide
- petroleum
- pharmaceutical
- photographic
- plaster
- plywood
- polymer
- potato
- price
- printing
- producer
- pulp
- pump
- reconstituted wood
- recorded
- recreational product
- resawing
- resin
- rivet
- rubber
- sanitary paper
- screw
- seafood
- sewn
- sheet metal
- shipbuilding
- smallgoods
- smelting
- soft drink
- spirit
- sporting
- spring
- stationery
- steel
- structural fitting
- surgical
- synthetic
- synthetic textile
- syrup
- textile
- timber
- tobacco
- toiletry
- toy
- transport
- vegetables
- veneer
- ventilation
- veterinary
- wine
- wire
- wood
- wood chipping
- wool
- zinc