The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
Approximate extents of Stratford, Duralie and the proposed Rocky Rill coal mine operation in the Gloucester sub-region. These were digitised from map images taken from various reports with permission.
Features used as map context for BA report maps.
Map images from various reports showing existing and proposed mine extents of Stratford, Duralie and Rocky Hill. These were georectified to MGA 56 geotiffs using recognised features of know location in the various map images as control points (eg road junctions, corners of administrative boundaries etc).
Selected features shown on the map were manually digitised off the computer screen using this georectified map as a backdrop. Features were saved as ESRI shapefiles in the MGA z56 projection.
The source images are also included in this dataset.
reports used:
Rocky Hill Project:
R.W. Corkery & Co. Pty. Limited (2013) Environmental Impact Statement for the Rocky Hill Coal Project (Development Application No. SSD-5156) Report number 806/03 Executive Summary Fig B pp.ES-5.
R.W. Corkery & Co. Pty. Limited (2012) Documentation Supporting an Application for Director-General's Requirements for the Rocky Hill Coal Project. Report No. 806/02. Fig 1.4, pp 7
Duralie Mine:
Resource Strategies Pty Ltd (2010) Environmental Assessment Duralie Extension Project Appendix B Groundwater Assessment . Fig B2, pp B55 & Fig B-35, pp.B86. Assessment.pdf
Stratford Mine:
Stratford Extension Project Environmental Impact Statement Appendix A - Groundwater Assessment. Figure A-2, pp A-76
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2014) Gloucester digitised coal mine boundaries. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 July 2018,
Derived From EIS for Rocky Hill Coal Project 2013
Derived From Report for Director Generals Requirement Rocky Hill Project 2012
Derived From EIS Gloucester Coal 2010
Derived From Groundwater Modelling Report for Stratford Coal Mine