Dataset: GLO AWRA Model v02



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

This metadata contain data for AWRA-L (Australian Water Resource Assessments - Landscape) modelling used for the GLO subregion. The metadata contain the workflow, processes, inputs and outputs data. The workflow pptx file under the top folder provides the top level summary of the modelling framework, including three slides. The first slide explains how to generate global definition file; the second slide outlines the calibration and simulation for AWRA-L model run; the third slide shows AWRA-L model post-processing for getting streamflow under baseline and coal mine resources development.

Gridded datasets were used as inputs to model surface water using the AWRA methodology. See for a technical description of the process.

The exactable model framework is under the Application subfolder

Other subfolders, including model calibration, model simulation, post processing, contain the associated used for model calibration, simulation and post processing, respectively.

Documentation about the implementation of AWRA-L in the Hunter bioregion is provided in BA GLO and products (Zhang et al., 2016).


Zhang Y Q, Viney N R, Peeters L J M, Wang B, Yang A, Li L T, McVicar T R, Marvanek S P, Rachakonda P K, Shi X G, Pagendam D E and Singh R M (2016) Surface water numerical modelling for the Gloucester subregion. Product 2.6.1 for the Gloucester subregion from the Northern Sydney Basin Bioregional Assessment. Department of the Environment, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia., Department of the Environment, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia.


To quantify the impacts of mining development on hydrological response variables for the Gloucester subregion

Dataset History

The directories within contain the input and output data of the Hunter AWRA-L model for model calibration, simulation and post-processing. Input data are linked to to the parent datasets in the lineage and outputs are results from running the model. Other model files were generated for the modelling procedure.

The calibration folder contains the input and output subfolders used for two model calibration schemes: lowflow and normal. The lowflow model calibration puts more weights on median and low streamflow; the normal model calibration put more weights on high streamflow.

The simulation folder contains only one replicate of model input and output as an example.

The post-processing folder contains three subfolders: inputs, outputs and scripts used for generating streamflow under the baseline and coal mine resources development conditions.

Input and output files are the daily data covering the period of 1970 to 2102, with the first 23 years (1970-1982) for model spin-up.

Documentation about the implementation of AWRA-L in the Hunter bioregion is provided in BA GLO and products.

Data details are in below

Model calibrations

  1. Climate forcings are under '... AWRAL_Metadata\model calibration\inputs\Climate'

  2. Lowflow calibration data including catchment location, global definition mapping, objective definition and optimiser definition under '... AWRAL_Metadata\model calibration\inputs\lowflow'

  3. Higflow calibration data including catchment location, global definition mapping, objective definition and optimiser definition under '... AWRAL_Metadata\model calibration\inputs\normal'

  4. Observed streamflow data used for model calibrations are under '... AWRAL_Metadata\model calibration\inputs\Streamflow'

Model simulations

  1. Climate forcings are under '... AWRAL_Metadata\model simulation\inputs\Climate'

  2. Global definition file used in csv output mode data is under '... AWRAL_Metadata\model simulation\inputs\csv_Model_1'

  3. Global definition file used in netcdf output mode data is under '... AWRAL_Metadata\model simulation\inputs\Netcdf_Model_1'

  4. Output files used in csv output mode data contain Dd, dgw, E0, Qg, Qtot, Rain, Sg outputs, which is used for AWRA-R model input and is under '... AWRAL_Metadata\model simulation\outputs\csv_Model_1'

  5. Output files used in netcdf output mode data contain Qg and Qtot outputs, which is used for AWRA-L postprocessing and is under '... AWRAL_Metadata\model simulation\outputs\Netcdf_Model_1'


  1. Input data include AWRA-L streamflow, ground water baseflow input and mine footprint data, stored at '... AWRAL_Metadata\post processing\Inputs'

  2. Output data include streamflow outputs under crdp and baseline for the HUN and MTL subregions, stored at '... AWRAL_Metadata\post processing\Outputs'

  3. Scripts for use for post-processing AWRA-L streamflow and ground water baseflow, is under '... AWRAL_Metadata\model simulation\post processing\Scripts'

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) GLO AWRA Model v02. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 July 2018,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
