Dataset: Climate model 0.05x0.05 cells and cell centroids



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme. This dataset was derived from Mean Annual Climate Data of Australia 1981 to 2012 dataset. You can find a link to the parent datasets in the Lineage Field in this metadata statement. The History Field in this metadata statement describes how this dataset was derived.

This file geodatabase contains polygon and point feature classes representing Climate model 0.05x0.05 decimal degree cells and their centroids. This dataset is used for Bilo climate and runoff modelling. Only the geometry was used from the source dataset, not the climate data. Grid cells were converted to polygons and only those cells intersecting with the continent were retained.

Cells and their centroids are identified by their GRIDCODE, that being a nine digit integer derived from the centroid lat-long co-ordinates.

The formula is (long nnn.nn) x 100,000 + -(lat nn.nn) x 100

eg a cell with a centroid of 148.05 degrees east and -26.55 degrees south would have an ID of 148052555


Used for Bilo climate and runoff modelling.

Dataset History

A climate raster was taken from the silo time series repository and converted to a vector to obtain a polygon coverage of the grid cells (Arctools "raster to polygon"). These were clipped to the continent as depicted by the 1:250k topo data. Centroids were extracted using the "Feature to point" Conversion tool.

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (XXXX) Climate model 0.05x0.05 cells and cell centroids. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 13 March 2019,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
